воскресенье, 14 сентября 2014 г.

BOOK 49. TOP SECRET PRISON PICTURES of 122 persons who were persecuted during Mensheviks Trial.

Ever had someone yell at you pointlessly? Every get blamed for something you hadn’t done? Many engineers, professors and economists got blamed for something that never happened. 

It was necessary to explain the failures of the Bolsheviks in the management of the economy and Josef Stalin organized the Mensheviks Union Trial It was in Moscow on 01-09 March 1931. It was in the Column Hall of Union House too. 122 persons were persecuted during this trial.
Many mathematicians and economists got blamed for something that never happened and sent into a dark, hideous Russian prison filled with cobwebs and rats. 

This is the TOP SECRET  PRISON PICTURES of 122 persons who were persecuted during Mensheviks Trial.
There is some information ON PICTURES - THE DATE OF ARREST and given and family name of person in Russia.                     

ДЕЛО № 580822

«Союзное Бюро Ц.-К Р.С.Д.Р.П. (м)»


ТОМ № 49


Арх. № Н-7824 в 58 томах

прошито и пронумеровано
30 (тридцать) листов
«20» августа 1964 г.

Техническая лаборатория Учетно-Архивного отдела КГБ при СМ СССР

Дата_____________ подпись Новикова

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